Do What You Love, AND Earn What You Love!

If you’re NOT doing what you LOVE and ALSO earning what you love, watch this. There are 3 BIG reasons …and at least one of these I bet you haven’t thought of, yet. You can’t correct a CAUSE of your RESULTS if you don’t know what’s going on.

Hi I’m Dr. Denise Nadler and I’ve got a question for you…
Are you doing what you love AND earning what you love..?
So often in my work with conscious business owners, health professionals, holistic practitioners, coaches, facilitators, the ones who are in service to make a difference in other people’s lives, they can’t seem to rectify for themselves the ability to be able to do what they love and ALSO earn what they love.

I have identified 3 reasons that may apply to you as to why you’re not doing what you love and also earning what you love.

#1 There is some idea that you can EITHER do what you love OR earn what you love, but NOT BOTH. I would like you to consider the possibility that this is operating right now in your life and that this believe may not have started only when you went into business. This may be a believe that you have had for very long time. So, I’m going to encourage you to dig deep to find out where the belief came from and do whatever you know you can to transform that belief – so that you can do what you love and earn what you love.

#2 A lack of confidence and self-esteem that tells you it’s okay for people to PAY YOU for what you do. It’s okay and you deserve it. Once again go back in time and see where this idea, this lack of self-esteem or confidence that you deserve fair exchange for the services that you provide to other people.

#3 A lack of knowledge or lack of willingness to learn how to manage a business and manage money.

So if any of those 3 or all of those are operating in your life, right now, I encourage you to do what you can to transform that. You deserve to do what you love and earn what you love. I have a free gift for you today. It’s free. Take advantage of it.

Until next time…
Live the Life You Love!

Get your Free Gift: “5-Step Success System to Your 6-Figures & Beyond !”
Click Here:

Your Inspired Life

Discover the 3 ESSENTIAL ASPECTS to Living An Inspired Life AND also learn the INSPIRED LIFE FORMULA.  Watch this NOW to create a more Inspired Life!

Hi, I’m Dr. Denise Nadler, Business Strategist, Personal Development & Healing catalyst and I’ve got a question for you, ‘Are you living an inspired life..?

I’d like to give you a formula today for how you can create an inspired life, but first I want to talk about the three aspects, I believe it takes to have in place in order for you to EXPERIENCE yourself having an inspired life.

Number 1: ‘Are doing what you love..?’
Number 2: ‘Are you are earning what you love..?’
Number 3: ‘Are you living how you love..?’ e

So, I would like for you to just think about that for a minute. Are you doing what you love..? Are you earning what you love..? Are you living how you love..?

I have a formula I created that you can use to develop a more Inspired Life. Here is goes: Vast Imagination, Plus Precise Action, Plus Clear intention, Plus Precise Action, Plus Desire, Plus Precise Action, Plus Certainty, Plus Precise Action, Plus Belief, Plus Precise Action, Plus Heart, Soul and Love, Equals An Inspired Life!

So you see, having vast imagination, with clear intention, a deep desire, certainty, belief, Heart, Soul and Love combined with Precise Action, PRECISE Action, PRECISE ACTION!!… Is the formula for an Inspired Life.

I really want to encourage you to listen to this again, so that you can do whatever it takes to create a truly inspired life!

I’m Dr. Denise Nadler.
Until next time…
Live the Life You Love!

Your Free Gift to a More Inspired Life is Here:
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Join us for Daily Inspiration here:

Beyond Limits


The Keys to No Longer Accepting Limitations

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There are all sorts of reasons why people believe they are stuck and limited.  I am going to give you a few reasons why you aren’t, and I will also give you some things you can do, so you know that in your life you have no reason to accept limitations any more.

If you want to truly master your life & have a fulfilling business that you love, you want to train your self to go beyond limits.  So, please read on..

I spent a few hours with a dear friend recently who said he thinks most people are disabled in their life by their unhappiness and disappointment of how things are and frustrated because of limitation..  My response was that ‘dis-ability’  & limitation are products of the mind.

Let me explain why I truly believe disability & limitation are products of the mind.

Here are some of my reasons:

1. Ludwig van Beethoven was deaf and created amazing music.

2.  John Forbes Nash was a Noble laureate American mathematician, yet was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.

3,  Helen Keller was a blind and deaf American author, political activist and lecturer.

4.  Stephen William Hawking is a British theoretical physicist who lives his life in a wheelchair and is almost entirely paralyzed & left to communicate through a speech generating device.

5.  Nick Vujicic was born with tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by the absence of all four limbs and is an international motivational speaker, author and surfer.

When you look at these people with classically recognized disabilities, who have accomplished incredible things, one can only draw the conclusion that limitations come from within.  They were given ‘real’ limitations, and yet managed to create incredible leadership, inspiration & success in life.

WE are the ONLY ones who set our limits.  While we may not be disabled in the traditional sense.  Nevertheless, we limit ourselves.  Other people do NOT limit us.   We limit ourselves on our own.   We also limit ourselves by accepting and agreeing to the limits others might impose upon us, and then often blame them for the limits we feel we are constrained by — which leaves us powerless to breaking through the limits.

From any point of view we can see  there are people who have been given less than others, yet have done more, accomplished more and do more than those who have been given much, but have done less, accomplished less and do less.   What we have, what we accomplish and what we do is up to each one of us.!  We are all given the same 24 hours in a day.

This may seem harsh to some, a wake up call to others, or a YIPPEE to a few, but here it goes:

The difference between those who are living their dreams and those who feel they are not, is simple…

Those who feel they are not living their dreams are simply not willing to do what it takes to make their dreams real!

Though you may not like to hear this (or you may love to hear this) – You are living the life YOU created.  You are living the life you have been willing to design and manifest.

You feel limited..?  You feel disabled..?  You’re not.  It’s time you see that as long as you focus on limitations, you will be limited.

So, what can you do today..?

Start by listing your accomplishments and your successes.  Every person has something they can look back on and see themselves empowered by it.  Every person can look at their life right now and see where they are making progress and making a difference.

Next list your strengths.   In every aspect of your life, you want to ask yourself,  ‘Where do I have  power..?’

Then, close your eyes, breath and focus on your heart.  Ask your self how you can better use your strengths to create the life you truly love   … and get to work on a plan!

You are not limited. That is the truth.  It is time for you to see that, and to know that.

Until Next Time,

Live the Life You Love,

Dr. Denise

P.S:   GET THIS: If you are feeling limited in anyway about living an inspired life of purpose, get my Special Report on “7 Steps to Live Your Purpose” & Purpose-full Living guidelines here:   PURPOSE

PPS: DO THIS:  It will really help to receive inspirational & educational posts daily.  Click ‘like’ RIGHT NOW on the side panel to join me on Facebook & you get to see my Business Strategy Success Solutions, as well as Life Mastery Mentoring Guidance.

PPPS:   If you want a boost of inspiration & specific help growing your business with more clients & cash flow,  register for my Free Online Educational Training here:   Training

PPPPS:  If you want to find out about how I work with others to bust through their limitations, take a look here: Healing Integrations

RESULTS: What makes the difference ?

If  your desire and your dream is to catapult your business success and create an ever-evolving experience of life mastery, knowing how to get the results you want and especially, getting results when it counts the most, is absolutely essential.  This will help.


When I was a kid, the very popular original  “Dallas” show was on television.  Though I was not an avid watcher, I remember realizing that people could own land which had the valuable commodity of oil inside it.   I also remember thinking how amazing it would be to drill inside land and strike oil 🙂

In the early 2000’s when I was becoming an educated investor (as opposed to giving my hard earned dollars away to things that sounded great, but I knew nothing about), I started studying the oil industry,  There is quite a science to determining where to drill, when to drill and how to drill to release the oil hidden deep inside the land.

Having a successful drill requires a great deal of preparation as there are very essential specific steps that can increase the probability of obtaining the desired outcome.   You need the right knowledge, the appropriate tools, the right plan and the determination, patience and dedication to follow through.

Still, once you have everything in place, even after a clear decision has been made, the proper tools are gathered, the strategy and the actions are mapped out, there is NO guarantee you willreach a gusher of oil.   There is no guarantee you will have your intended result.  So, now what do you do..?  Now, that you have invested all this time, energy and money, what can you do..?

There are only two choices.   You can either give up, or you can take what you learned from this last effort, revise your plan and get back to work again — because you are committed to your result.

When I was contemplating why some people struggle and suffer in their attempts at creating the life and success they want and still don’t have the outcomes they desire, and why others seem to beat insurmountable odds to get where they want to be, my mind took me to this analogy of drilling for oil.   Ultimately it comes down to COMMITMENT.

The commitment you make is to get what you really, really want.   With that commitment, even when things get super tough, the vision of what you are committed to will carry you through.   You will find the tools, strategy, people and resources you need to accomplish what you want.  You don’t give up.  You won’t give in.  You are committed to do whatever it takes to be, and become who you know in your heart you are meant to be and become.

I believe each one of us has treasures inside, but sometimes we don’t have the knowledge, the skills, the support, the clarity of vision, the willingness and the determination to do what it takes to bring those treasures out into the world.   Sometimes,  we lack the inner belief,  the proper strategy and steps, the right teachers, tools, mentoring, coaching and guidance to get where we want to be.   But ultimately it comes down to commitment, because when one is committed, they will find the way to get their result.

Commitment makes you follow through, despite any obstacles.   Commitment gets you to gather every possible resource inside of you and outside of you.  Commitment makes you do the work that is needed to get what you want.   At times, it will take an extra dose of sheer will to push on and get the job done.

We all have the ability inside of ourselves to go after our dreams, but it is up to us to be committed to finding the right formula to unleash the abundant power that is inside.   Then we will manifest the extraordinary business and amazing life we want.

There is a Japanese proverb, “Fall down 7 times, get up 8.”   Very simple guidance of what it takes to “Live the Life You Love”,

May you have the burning desire to dig down deep to find the precious resources inside of you because you are COMMITTED to your Ultimate Success in Business and in Life.   You can do it!

If you are stressed or struggling with clients and cash flow / patients and profits, I can help.   You can view my free webinar this week called, “Get Great Clients… With Ease .”   It offers specific steps you can take right now:  Click Here

Until next time..

Live the Life You Love!
Dr. Denise xo

Also, come over to where the party is happening,  I offer daily inspirational, educational and transformational tips & blips for Business Strategy Success Solutions. as well as Life Mastery Mentoring Guidance:  Click This

You can check out my website here:

Dr. Denise is an Inspirational Keynote Speaker, Transformational Trainer, Business Strategy Solutions, Life Mastery Coach & Mentor for Coaches, Facilitators, Chiropractors, Naturopaths, Acupuncturists, Psychotherapists and Other Heart Based Health Professionals who aspire to live their best life doing what they love to do, while serving who they love to serve. 



   Purpose Inspiration, Transformation &

Practical Business Strategy & Life Mastery Guidance

Dr Denise Nadler /

It is my desire and intent that if you are waiting to take action or hesitating to make your mark, my writing’s will encourage you to GO FOR IT.   Yes, it can be challenging — but so is the feeling of not doing what you really want to do in your life….

This blog is a bit of a follow-up to share with you more of what I have learned in my journey to birthing my 4th business.  You can read more about that here, if you are curious.

 So, here we go with WHAT I KNOW… yes, I made a rhyme 🙂

1) Rest assured, if you are meant to do something, you will be Prodded, Poked and Pushed — until you do.

2) Recognize that any and all resistance sitting inside of you will come up — so you can face it, transform it and move through it.   This is not so easy, but definitely worth it.

3) If something appears to be really difficult, you are probably right that it is difficult, for YOU — and it is there for you to overcome.

4) Things that appear really difficult, can sometimes be way more challenging than you even imagined – but not impossible.

5) As you progress in the direction of your desired creation, there will be moments of surrender and moments of war, times when you want to give up, because it seems to be insurmountable  — and times when all the blocks in the way only fuel your fire to keep moving forward, so you build a bridge with those blocks to take you where you are going.   DO NOT GIVE UP.

6) If you Put off Procrastination and refuse to Prolong the inevitable by choosing to Persist and be Productive in your Pursuit, you will Progress and realize you are Living a very Purposeful life!

7) Read #1 again…


If you enjoyed this, now you can get my recently desIgned, really cool educational e-Report, “7-Steps to Live Your Purpose”.   Just click the link here—>

Here is something I was Prodded, Poked and Pushed to do to specifically help heart-based coaches, facilitators, health professionals, holistic practitioners and other conscious business owners Live their Purpose.  No cost.  High Content.  Click here:  Love My Business

Also, if you like simple business success strategy wisdom and inspiring life mastery guidance, you will enjoy receiving  daily inspirational, educational and transformational tips & blips you can use in your Facebook newsfeed.  Just click the button:  Facebook

Until the next time…

Live the Life You Love!

Dr. Denise xo



As I am writing this, I am about to give birth to my 4th baby which has been nearly 8 years in the making!

For those of you who do not know me, that may not sound so odd because some people spend many years on the task of ‘trying’ before they give birth…

For those who do know me – Yes, you ‘heard’ that right.

For all of you, let me explain…

While I have not ever given birth through my physical body to a human baby,  I know for sure I am a ‘mom’ to many, and have given birth several times.

My form of birthing in this life has been when I create a new business.

I often share I have created three businesses in three different industries:

1) In the Health & Wellness Field, as a Chiropractor Specializing in MindBody Integration

2) As a Business Strategy, Life Mastery & Soulfull Leadership Mentor, Coach and Consultant

3) As an Inspirational, Educational & Transformational Speaker, Trainer and Workshop Leader

While they are all ‘heart-based, service-oriented’ businesses, they did each require different skills and strategy to nurture, develop and finally birth — and then continue to grow them.  That is why I say I am about to give birth to my 4th baby!

This baby is quite unique from my previous babies because this baby is a combination of the best of all my prior babies.   This baby was nurtured and developed in ways I had not attempted in the past, and will be delivered in both familiar and uniquely different ways from the past.

You see I have been in business for over 20 years, and this is my first public blog!

There are a lot of firsts that go along with this baby’s birth..

Having been in business for 20+ years, I have tons of real world experience and expertise, and an international outreach. However, I just put up my first Facebook Fan Page.   Please  join the community where I share quick bits of business strategy, life mastery, inspiration, transformation, and more.  I do mean community, because I intend to interact with you there… LIKE ME HERE .  I am also on most of the other social media sites, so please connect with me there, too.

Though I have developed and delivered tons of programs and worked with thousands around the world, it was not until October (yes, 9 months ago), that I really got focused on creating something very unique to share with those I am here to serve.  That intention has many levels and steps to it, and one of the first steps manifested into my first educational webinar, a monumental task and a labor of love — which you can view for free here… Love My Business 

And, while I had created a website nearly eight years ago – which took me several years to finally put up,, we didn’t do the things that would enhance search-ability.   It was supposed to be a ‘place holder’ site, until we figured it out..   Well, I am still on that journey and the site is pretty much the same, though we have updated photos and the content through the years.  It does have a lot of great information on there, so we are keeping it, and also working on a new one.

Thus, this blog, the fan page  and my webinar have been created to support the birth of my baby.  This ‘baby’ is an integration of all my babies that came before it.  It has been designed in a way that I can better serve and assist those I am here to work with — my perfect clients — so they are able to more abundantly share their genius and their gifts.  Most importantly, this business has been created to educate, inspire, guide, empower and activate the ability to ‘Live the Life You Love.’

So now, nearly eight years after putting up my ‘place holder’ website – which was my first step to making myself and my business visible to the world, I am finally giving birth to my most meaningful and, without any doubt my most visible business, so far!

That is mostly what I wanted to share with you today.  My intent was to hopefully inspire and encourage those of you who are considering starting anew in some way in your life.  Perhaps you tell your self it isn’t the right time, or ‘what happens if it doesn’t work?’.  I hope to be the voice to help you realize it IS your time and you can and WILL make it work!

On my next blog, I will share a few things “I Know For Sure” from this experience, which I think will really be meaningful to you.  This will be especially valuable to you if you are birthing a new business or you plan to create something really amazing in your life.  Oh and I promise to practice brevity in future blogs, so you can get a quick bite of something inspirational, educational and/or transformational!

Future blogs, will give details of what I have learned really works to grow a business, to live a life you love, to be inspired about your life, and more.  I will share strategy, step by step solutions, and answer questions, as well as bring loads of inspiration and sometimes a bit of laughter.  I do know how to help heart-based, service-oriented business owners to experience and express what they are here to do on the planet in their own unique ways, and I would love to bring that to you.

I will go more deeply into my journey as a way to teach and reveal what I have uncovered, (and continue to discover) along this path.  I intend to inspire you to reflect on your own life and your own business.  This way you can Grow Your Ultimate Business’, doing what you love.  It is my desire to support and also challenge  you, so you can go deeply  on your own path and are better able to “Be Who You Are”, and live the life you are meant to live.

If you are heart-based, service-oriented conscious business owner who would love to activate and actualize your authentic voice in a more powerfully felt and heard way in the world, so you can,

“Serve More. Live Better. Make a Difference.” …



I look forward to you joining me on this magical mystery tour…

(I want to let you know right now my English and my grammar may not be perfect.  My mother, Beverly Nadler is the writer in our family, and she is an amazing author, (check her out: She won’t be able to assist in editing all my writings, so I hope you will appreciate the message and overlook these imperfections :–)

Please leave your comments below, you click the button on the right of the title above.  Ask me a question or tell me about the new baby you are birthing or intend to birth.  And please share with your friends.

Until next time..

Live the Live You Love!

Dr. Denise